
52 篇博文 含有标签「KNIME」


GroupBy 节点的 Pattern Based Aggregation 标签页

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在 5.2.3 GroupBy(分组聚合)节点中,指北君提到了 Type-Based Aggregation 标签页和 Pattern Based Aggregation 标签页,这两个标签页可以用来对某一类型的列或某一种名称模式的列进行计算。下面我们来看一下例子。

🔎 KNIME 节点巡礼 -- row filter(行过滤)节点

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重要★★★ 难度★☆☆ Row Filter(行过滤)节点,其配置界面如图5-18所示。根据选定的条件进行过滤,然后将最终结果进行排除(exclude)或包含(include)。可以简单设置匹配条件,也可以使用通配符、正则表达式、范围,甚至行号进行匹配。

《KNIME 视觉化数据分析》

🥷 [S2] Challenge 08

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Just KNIME It, Season 2 / Challenge 08 reference

Challenge 08 Description

The Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) is a song competition with participants mostly from european countries. In the contest finale, each country gives points to the others, and the sum of the received points determines the winning country. In this challenge, you will experiment with the Network Mining nodes in order to visualize (in a Network Viewer) the points given and received by each country. Note: The contest regulation changed over time, and it might make no sense to aggregate points from different editions.

⚽ 使用 KNIME 分析足球比赛数据

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如何通过使用 KNIME 分析传球数据来提升足球球队的表现?